ASEAN Foundation Executive Director at the Launching of Human Rights in ASEAN Website

Executive Director of the ASEAN Foundation, Dr. Makarim Wibisono, gave his remarks at the launching of the “Human Rights in ASEAN” website in Jakarta on 1 October 2013. The launching was made part of the 6th Regional Consultation on ASEAN and Human Rights organised by the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development, knows as FORUM-ASIA.

The Regional Consultation provides a venue for strengthening engagement with ASEAN human rights mechanism and discussing human rights situation pertinent to the ASEAN region. The Regional Consultation was participated by Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) from across the ASEAN region. The 6th Regional Consultation was entitled “Advancing Human Rights in ASEAN on the 2nd Cycle of the ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism”.

While making his remarks, Dr. Makarim Wibisono pointed out that now with the amazing developments of communication technology, ASEAN should not hesitate to take benefit of the hi-tech communication medium such as website. He further mentioned that such medium would greatly help in conveying messages of ASEAN. In addition, he stated that putting up messages this way could contribute to educating people to know and understand more about human rights. In this context, he stressed that by promoting openness and transparency of communications through online medium such as website, ASEAN   citizens would eventually become a community that is aware of its rights and able to be part of ASEAN’s concerted efforts towards building a strong and healthy community.

The website which could be visited at will serve as a one-stop online platform consolidating materials and information related to human rights in ASEAN.