Online National Webinar: Alert in Digital Attacks and Cyber Resilience within The Civil Society and Media in Indonesia

October 20, 2020
CSO Event



Southeast Asia Freedom of Expression Network (SAFEnet), Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), Indonesia Cyber Security Forum (ICSF), Amnesty International Indonesia, Indonesia Anti-Hoax Society (MAFINDO) cordially invite you to join

Alert in Digital Attacks and Cyber Resilience within The Civil Society and Media in Indonesia

For the past few years, we have seen an increased number of cyber-threats and cyber-attacks to netizen, women, and At-Risk communities, such as journalists, anti-corruption activists, environment activists, LGBTIQ, and religious minorities in Indonesia.

These digital attacks leave a problematic situation for the foundation of freedom of press, freedom of expression, and freedom of assembly. If left unchanged, this very problem will shake the foundation of democracy in Indonesia.

It is important to ensure that CSO activists and their organizations as well as journalists and the Media are aware of this cyber risk they are facing and take the necessary steps to address them. It is very important to define the active role of the civil society and media communities in the integral development of the state’s cyber-hygiene/cyber-security policies in Indonesia. Therefore, we conduct this online discussion to address the current situation.

Date and Time:
Tuesday, 20 October 2020
06.00 – 08.00 PM GMT+7/Jakarta time

1. Ravio Patra, activist, researcher
2. Sapto Anggoro, Editor-in-Chief
3. Yuyun Wahyuningrum, Representative of Indonesia to the AICHR 2019-2021
4. Melissa Hathaway, Cybersecurity Expert
5. Sherly Haristya, Freedom on The Net in-country researcher
6. Herlambang P. Wiratraman, Researcher at HRLS Faculty of Law Airlangga University

Anita Wahid, Activist at Gusdurian and MAFINDO

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