June 28, 2021
CSO Event
in Thailand
Mahidol University, in cooperation with the Global Campus of Human Rights Asia Pacific, is pleased to offer scholarships for twenty (20) Myanmar graduate students who will study at Mahidol University’s Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies under one of the following master’s programs:
- MA Human Rights (MAHR)
This program is entirely based at Mahidol University campus. Students will study for two semesters at Mahidol IHRP from August 2021 till May 2022. Students will undertake research and write a thesis which will count towards the graduation and being awarded the MA degree. A description of the MAHR program can be here. - MA Human Rights and Democratisation (APMA)
This program is based at IHRP Mahidol University for the first semester (August – January 2022). Students then study second semester at one of the partner universities Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines), Gadjah Mada Unviersity (Indonesia), Kathmandu School of Law (Nepal), and the University of Colombo (Sri Lanka) from February till July 2022. Students will research and defend a thesis at the partner university. A description of the APMA program can be here.
To learn more about the scholarship’s eligibility criteria and requirements, as well as to downlead the application kit, click here.