Call for Applications: Incubator for Defenders Remaining in Exile to Advance Movements

    February 16, 2022
    CSO Event in United States

    As a reminder, the Center for Victims of Torture (CVT) announced the Call for Applications for a human rights training and mentoring project, the Incubator for Defenders Remaining in Exile to Advance Movements, or “IDREAM.” Through the Call, IDREAM is seeking applications from exiled Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) and their supporting HRD organization to join a collaborative and dynamic capacity development project.

    IDREAM is a global capacity development project designed to help address the unique needs of HRDs living in exile. IDREAM will provide training and networking activities with the goals of:  advancing advocacy efforts, promoting HRDs’ psychosocial resilience and well-being, and improving HRDs’ physical and digital security. Project partners will receive financial assistance to support their work in the project.

    IDREAM invites interested applicants to apply online before the deadline at 11:00 pm CST (23:00 CST) on 16 March 2022. Please note the application deadline was extended to provide all applicants an equal opportunity. At the end of the selection process, 10 partner HRDs living in exile around the world and their supporting HRD organization will be invited to join IDREAM. The project’s activities will take place from approximately July 2022 through October 2023.

    All activities of the IDREAM project will take place in English, and applicants must be proficient in English. Though the Call for Applications is also in Arabic, English, French, Russian, Spanish and Mandarin, all applications must be written in English.

    Interested applicants should apply to IDREAM through the online application found at Please see “(2) Guidelines and Instructions for Applicants” for instructions on how to start and complete an IDREAM application on Submittable.