Call for Applications: Beyond Essentialism, Elevating Women’s Scholarship in Southeast Asian Social Sciences

May 14, 2021
CSO Event

The Women in Southeast Asia Social Sciences (WISEASS) is accepting applications for its workshop titled “Beyond Essentialism: Elevating Women’s Scholarship in Southeast Asian Social Sciences.”

This workshop aims to provide training and mentoring of women early career researchers (ECRs) in the social sciences, with a focus on researchers from and working on Southeast Asia. Three interrelated activities form the basis for the program: (1) a virtual workshop where ECRs present early drafts of their work and receive feedback and guidance from journal editors and established scholars; (2) a physical workshop where the ECRs present revised drafts of their work and receive feedback and guidance from established scholars and peers; and (3) guided discussion during the workshops on research contexts, writing and publishing, and grant funding. By the conclusion of the workshops, each participant will have: (1) a piece of research ready to be submitted to a high-level journal, (2) improved writing and reviewing skills, and (3) new and stronger networks with other ECRs in Southeast Asia, established researchers and journal editors specializing in Southeast Asian social science research.

Applications are due by Friday, May 14, 2021. Click here for more information.

To apply for the workshop, click this link.