AICHR National-level Consultation with Civil Society Organizations
The Cambodia Representative to AICHR shared major points in AHRD draft with Cambodian CSOs. The latest copy of the Draft Declaration was not made available to CSOs.
7th Meeting of AICHR on the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration and AICHR Regional Consultation with Civil Society Organizations
AICHR conducted their First Regional Consultation with regional and international civil society organizations (CSOs) in order to get their inputs and contributions to the development of the AHRD. Only a limited number of AICHR-approved organizations were able to participate in this consultation. Each ASEAN member state approved four national...
1st AICHR Regional Consultation with ASEAN Sectorial Bodies
AICHR met with ASEAN sectorial bodies to receive input on the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration. AICHR did not share a copy of the draft Declaration prior to or during the consultation. Some sectorial bodies stated that this kind of consultation is a good practice and should continued in...
AICHR National-Level Consultation with Civil Society
The Thai Representative to the AICHR presented on AICHR's work to date.
AICHR National-Level Consultation with Civil Society
The Indonesian Representative to the AICHR presented on the documents adopted by AICHR, its interaction with external parties - including its dialogue with the Inter-America Human Rights Institutions - the process of drafting AHRD, AICHR's thematic studies on Corporate Social Responsibility & Human Rights and Migration, its relation...
Consultative Meeting with the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General on Violence against Children (SRSG-VAC) and CEDAW Committee
The Consultation provided an opportunity to exchange views on a rights-based approach to initiatives designed to prevent and address all forms of violence against children (VAC) and violence against women (VAW), in the light of international human rights standards, in particular the Convention on the Rights of the Child...
ACWC Indonesia Representative: Consultation with Civil Society Organizations
The Indonesian ACWC Representative for Women's Rights and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and Women Empowerment and Child Protection of Indonesia (MOWECP) initiated a dialogue with Indonesian civil society organizations. The dialogue aimed to collect inputs on the issues, challenges and recommendation around violence against women (VAW) and...
ACWC Indonesia Representative: Consultation with Civil Society Organizations
The ACWC Indonesia Representatives, in preparation for ACWC's 3rd meeting in Solo, held a dialogue with CSO and government institutions.