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Tag: Rule of Law / Justice

Army major finally appears for Brang Shawng trial

A Burmese army major who brought a case against the father of a girl who was allegedly killed by the army – accusing him of false accusation – has appeared in court after being absent from many hearings. By KO HTWE | 14 January 2015 A Burmese army major who brought...

Human rights lawyer Paulsen freed after statement recorded

Police have released human rights lawyer Eric Paulsen this afternoon, after recording his statement over a remark he made on Twitter that the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) was promoting extremism during Friday sermons. The Malaysian Insider – Wed, Jan 14, 2015 Police have released human rights lawyer Eric Paulsen this...

Six Are Executed for Drugs, as Indonesia Says ‘Because We Can’

Firing squads executed six prisoners convicted of drug trafficking early Sunday morning, drawing intense criticism of Indonesia from the international community and local human rights activists. By Jakarta Globe on 07:04 am Jan 19, 2015 Jakarta. Firing squads executed six prisoners convicted of drug trafficking early Sunday morning, drawing intense criticism...

When National Human Rights Institutions Become International

Don Sahong will be the first transboundary case for SUHAKAM should it decide to tackle the complaint. This would also follow the recent decision of the Thai NHRI in 2010 to accept a case against a Thai company operating in Cambodia, for alleged human rights violations. There is thus...

Latpadaung killing: Police slammed for conduct

The Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (MNHRC) has insisted that local Salingyi police investigate the December shooting of Latpadaung protestor Khin Win, saying her killing breached international rights standards. By DVB | 15 January 2015 The Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (MNHRC) has insisted that local Salingyi police investigate the December...

Are ASEAN principles really incompatible with the Rome Statute?

Southeast Asian states often justify not joining the ICC by invoking the principles of non-interference and state sovereignty. But upon closer inspection, this argument is exposed as a means of masking a reluctance to ensure accountability for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. Posted on January 15, 2015 by...

‘Abolish death penalty to bring back Sirul’

Human rights campaigner's way to bring justice to Altantuya and learn the full truth about 'beastly affair'. FMT Reporters | January 18, 2015 KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia should now abolish the death penalty, so that a convicted killer of Altantuya Shaariibuu may be brought back from Australia; and the truth about her...

Are we for the death penalty now? — Hafidz Baharom

Last week, the murderers of Altantuya Sharibuugiin @ Sharibuu, both Azilah Hadri and Sirul Azhar Umar, were finally sentenced to death for their crime by the Federal Court. Many were rejoicing over the decision and subsequently angry when it was discovered that Sirul is now living in Australia. Published: January...

Harsh security sees nuns detained over papal visit in Tacloban

Officers from the Philippine National Police on Thursday, January 15, detained a delegation of nuns from Mindanao en route to San Jose district in Tacloban, accusing them of being covert members of a militant organization. Philip Bader, UCAN Published 6:55 PM, Jan 16, 2015 Updated 7:09 PM, Jan 16, 2015 Sisters questioned, accused...

Wife of Missing Lao Civil Society Leader Laments Lack of Progress in Case

The Lao government’s response at a United Nations human rights review to concerns over its efforts to find a missing prominent civil society leader demonstrates the need for authorities to accept international assistance and establish an independent commission to investigate his case, his wife said Tuesday. 2015-01-20 The Lao government’s response...