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Tag: Rule of Law / Justice

Rights Commission call on Paniai killings a ‘good first step’

An announcement by Indonesia's Human Rights Commission that it will recommend a pro-justicia inquiry into killings of four students in Papua last year has been described as a good first step. Updated at 1:00 pm on 13 April 2015 An announcement by Indonesia's Human Rights Commission that it will recommend a...

A Measure of Last Resort? The Current Status of Juvenile Justice in ASEAN Member States

By conducting this study, RWI aimed to shed light on the current situation on juvenile justice throughout ASEAN in hopes of contributing to bringing domestic norms and implementation in the region into compliance with international human rights standards. Increased regional cooperation and coordination on key cross-cutting issues can increase...

Cambodia’s Military Police Suspends Six Officers For ‘Torturing’ Villagers

Cambodia’s National Military Police Department on Friday suspended six officers from neighboring Tbong Khmum and Prey Veng provinces who allegedly shot at and tortured four villagers last month after they tried to avoid paying a fee for driving an overloaded vehicle.   Home | News | Cambodia Cambodia’s Military Police Suspends Six...

House urged to include ad hoc tribunals in KKR bill

Rights activists have called on the government and the House of Representatives to drop contentious articles in a draft bill on the establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (KKR), emphasizing the need for comprehensive solutions to resolve past human rights abuse cases. Margareth S. Aritonang, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta...

Pakatan Rakyat let the rakyat down over POTA

Why were 26 PR lawmakers absent from the debate and vote of POTA? April 7, 2015 By Amirul Ruslan In a move that will have a monumental impact on the country, Parliament passed the Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) without any amendments. The vote was not even close: 79 for, 60 against. Few...

UPR 21st session: Statement by Sweden in the interactive dialogue on Lao People’s Democratic Republic

There are at least nine reported cases of forced disappearances in Laos. The disappearance of the civil society activist Mr Sombath Somphone is one of the most internationally renowned cases. Mr Sombath was last seen at a police checkpoint on 15 December 2012 and his whereabouts are still unknown....

Indonesia court rejcets appeal by Australian drug smugglers on death row

An Indonesian court on Monday rejected the appeals of two Australians on death row for drug smuggling. The two Australians, Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan, are known leaders of the Bali Nine narcotics organization.  Monday 6 April 2015 at 10:26 AM ET by William Helbling An Indonesian court on...

Open letter to Malaysia on anti-terror bill – International Commission of Jurists

The ICJ writes to you today to relay our concerns regarding the newly tabled draft Prevention of Terrorism Act (Pota) and to urge you and other Members of Parliament to reject this draft law or to amend it to ensure its consistency with international human rights law. Published: 6 April...

Death penalty a FLAWED tool to tackle crime

Last November, shortly after taking office, Indonesia President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo announced the resumption of executions - mainly of drug traffickers - to tackle soaring crime rates linked to a "national drugs emergency". JOSEF BENEDICT THE JAKARTA POST ASIA NEWS NETWORK April 7, 2015 1:00 am Last November, shortly after taking office, Indonesia...

The bar is raised higher for Jude

The High Court of Malaya made human rights awareness a condition to a lawyer being allowed to practise here. Will this be a milestone for human rights development in Malaysia or will it be just a footnote in the history of Suhakam? Published: Tuesday April 7, 2015 MYT 12:00:00 AM Updated:...