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Home Statements The EJK of Gloria Capitan, HRD and president of the Samahan ng Nagkakaisang Mamamayan ng Lucanin (SNML) in Mariveles, Bataan

    The EJK of Gloria Capitan, HRD and president of the Samahan ng Nagkakaisang Mamamayan ng Lucanin (SNML) in Mariveles, Bataan [TFDP Urgent Appeal]


    Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP) writes to inform you about the extra-judicial killing of Gloria Capitan, human rights defender, environmental advocate and president of the people’s organization Samahan ng Nagkakaisang Mamamayan ng Lucanin (SNML) in Purok 2, Barangay Lucanin, Mariveles, Bataan

    (PHILIPPINES) The extra-judicial killing of Gloria Capitan, human rights defender, environmental advocate and president of the people’s organization Samahan ng Nagkakaisang Mamamayan ng Lucanin (SNML) in Purok 2, Barangay Lucanin, Mariveles, Bataan.

    ISSUES: Right to life; Access to Justice


    Dear friends,

    Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP) writes to inform you about the extra-judicial killing of Gloria Capitan, human rights defender, environmental advocate and president of the people’s organization Samahan ng Nagkakaisang Mamamayan ng Lucanin (SNML) in Purok 2, Barangay Lucanin, Mariveles, Bataan.


    On July 1, 2016, at around 7:30 p.m., human rights defender, environmental advocate and president of the people’s organization Samahan ng Nagkakaisang Mamamayan ng Lucanin (SNML), Gloria Capitan, was gunned down by two unidentified men inside her business establishment in Purok 2, Barangay Lucanin, Mariveles, Bataan. She died of multiple gunshot wounds shortly before arriving at the hospital.

    Present on the night of Capitan’s death was her cousin Hermina Jordan, a waitress named “Grace”, and her two grandchildren, Angel Capitan, and Jerson Capitan. According to the witnesses, Capitan had just opened her videoke business and was cutting recycled foil wrappers for a project when two unidentified men riding a motorcycle parked near the door. One of them entered the establishment and shot her four times.

    Jordan, who was helping with the foil wrappers, was sitting directly in front of Capitan while Angel and Jerson were singing at the videoke about three yards from where Capitan was sitting. “Grace” was standing next to Capitan and, thinking that they were customers, had asked the men for their orders. According to the four, one of the men went directly to Capitan who was sitting on a plastic chair with her back to the entryway of the establishment. The man then allegedly wrapped his left arm around Capitan’s shoulder and shot her. According to Angel and Jerson, the first shot did not fire but was immediately followed by three more shots. The second hit Capitan on the neck; the third shot, which Capitan tried to block hit her arm, and the fourth was fired as the gunman was exiting and its slug hit Jerson Capitan on the right arm.

    According to Jordan, none of them were able to shout for help since the incident happened very fast (less than 5 minutes estimate). It was only after the men left that she was able to stand and catch Capitan before she fell off her chair. Jordan also shouted for Capitan’s family, the two grandchildren began to scream and “Grace” allegedly went into shock.

    According to Capitan’s grandchildren, the gunman was wearing a yellow handkerchief with “x” patterns around his face, a black cap with the visor to the back of his head, a dark jacket and maong pants, while the other man who drove the motorcycle was wearing a black helmet, dark sweater and pants as well. This was later verified by Ernesto Hatol and Sandra Cabuso, neighbors who both allegedly saw the men pass by the road on the way to the videoke business.

    Efren Capitan, Gloria’s widower, and Mark Capitan, Gloria’s son was watching the news in an open hut in the family’s compound when the shooting happened. The two, including other family members inside their respective houses allegedly heard three gunshots followed by Jordan and the children’s screams. According to Efren, he instinctively told Mark to check on Gloria. Efren, who suffered from stroke a few years back, was not able to run to the establishment.

    According to Mark, since the family’s business establishment is very near the compound, he still saw the tail lights of the gunmen’s motorcycle speeding towards Balanga. Jeron, another son of Capitan who was cooking at the time of the shooting immediately followed his brother. Jeron also saw the gunmen, took his own motorcycle and the two brothers chased the gunmen but lost them near an area called “Housing” after the perpetrators turned off their vehicle’s lights.

    The Capitan brothers went to the Police Cluster, about ten minutes ride away from their home, to ask for help. Jeron stayed with the police, who allegedly failed to respond quickly and set up a checkpoint while Mark went back to his mother. According to Jeron, while waiting for the policemen, he saw a black motorcycle pass by with two men on board. The back ride who was allegedly wearing a yellow handkerchief around his face was staring at him as they passed. It was only later when he arrived home and asked Angel what happened that he found out that the man who stared at him was the gunman.

    Gloria was first taken to medics, a small clinic in Lucanin, by Hatol, Jordan and Ann, the eldest daughter of Gloria Capitan, but was later transferred to MAHESECO Multipurpose Cooperative Hospital in Mariveles, Bataan, which had the needed facilities for Gloria’s injuries. Mark drove their jeep-type vehicle to MAHESECO but Gloria passed away shortly before arriving at the hospital.

    Capitan was previously documented on March 25, 2015, because of alleged intimidation through threats and bribery to discourage her and SNML in their resistance to Seafront Shipyard and Port Terminal Services Inc.’s open coal storage owned by Boy and Carlo Ignacio in Lucanin, Bataan.

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