Home Statements



Open Letter to the Government of Indonesia – Submission of Suggested of Indicators for the Selection of the Representative to the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights 2019–2021

Bangkok, 23 July 2018 Attn: Submission of Suggested of Indicators for the Selection of the Representative to the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights 2019–2021 and Request for Audience with Civil Society Organisations in Indonesia To: H.E. Retno Marsudi, Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Febrian Alphyanto Ruddyard, Director General For Multilateral Affairs H.E. Jose...

Timor-Leste: New Government should perform its responsibility as duty bearer to promote and protect human rights in the country

(Jakarta/Dili/Bangkok, 28 May 2018) – The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), together with its Timorese members, the Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP) and the Association for Law, Human Rights and Development (HAK Association) call on the Alliance for Change and Progress, previously known as the Parliamentary...


JOINT MEDIA STATEMENT BY H.E. ASSOCIATE PROF. DINNA WISNU AND H.E. MR. EDMUND BON TAI SOON, REPRESENTATIVES TO THE ASEAN INTERGOVERNMENTAL COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS (AICHR) Human rights experts* from the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) call on urgent action by ASEAN to develop a ‘whole-of ASEAN approach’ in cooperation...
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Indonesia: Human Rights Organisations Strongly Condemn the Passing of Amendments to Law on Legislative Bodies

(12 March 2018, Jakarta/Bangkok) – The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development(FORUM-ASIA), together with its members in Indonesia, the Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS), the Human Rights Working Group (HRWG), the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI), the Indonesian Legal Aid and Human Rights Association...

Rohingya refugees must be included in the formulation and implementation of resettlement, rehabilitation and repatriation plans and processes

(Bangkok/Dhaka/Jakarta, 31 March 2018) The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), together with its members in Bangladesh, conducted a fact-finding mission into the situation of Rohingya refugees at Lambasia, Kutupalong, Balukhali and Thyingkhali makeshift camps of Cox’s Bazar on 24-28 March 2018. These camps house around 550,000 of...

Cambodia: Grave Concerns over Threats to Democracy in Cambodia

(Bangkok, 9 October 2017) – The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) strongly denounces the recent legal action taken by the Government of Cambodia against the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), the country’s main opposition party. On 6 October 2017, a petition to dissolve the CNRP was...

Indonesia: FORUM‐ASIA condemns forced dispersal of academic discussion on 1965‐66 human rights violations

(Jakarta/ Bangkok, 18 September 2017) ‐ The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUMASIA)  expresses grave concern over the forced dispersal of an academic discussion on the human rights violations of 1965‐55 at the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) building, which houses the Jakarta Legal Aid (LBHI) office, by the Indonesian...

On the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN, civil society demands stronger and more forceful human rights mechanisms [FORUM – ASIA Press Release]

FORUM-ASIA calls on ASEAN to address the deteriorating human rights situation in the region. It should honour five decades of regionalisation by promoting human rights as an integral part of its efforts to adapt and maintain its relevance in a changing regional and global environment. 8 August 2017 3:50 pm (Bangkok,...

Stop Duterte’s attempt to grab absolute power! – People’s Campaign Against Tyranny Statement

The martial law Duterte is promoting is contrary to the Constitution, the provisions on restrictions on presidential powers on declaring martial law, which he openly criticizes and seeks to be removed. It is contrary to the assurances his apologists have been dishing out since he declared martial law in...

Special Meeting of the AICHR, 17-18 June 2017, Phuket, Thailand

The Meeting reviewed the status of implementation of the AICHR Priority Programmes/Activities for 2017. The Meeting was also updated on the ongoing preparations of AICHR commemorative activities, namely the publishing of ASEAN 50th Anniversary Edition of the AICHR: What You Need to Know booklet and the development of its...