Home Statements AICHR – SOMTC Consultation on Human Rights-Based Approach in the Implementation of ACTIP and APA, 29 – 30 September 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia

    AICHR – SOMTC Consultation on Human Rights-Based Approach in the Implementation of ACTIP and APA, 29 – 30 September 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia [Press Release]


    This consultation was attended by all the senior officials of ASEAN law enforcement in SOMTC and the representatives of ASEAN regional cooperation mechanisms involved in combating trafficking in persons (TIP). The extraordinary energy and enthusiasm will motivate us in moving forward together in combating the crime with its ever-evolving modus operandi

    Posted on: 4 October, 2016

    “In combating trafficking in persons, cross-border cooperation at the regional and international levels are necessary and inevitable,” this was stated by Indonesian representative to  AICHR, Dr. Dinna Wisnu at the conclusion of the Consultation between AICHR and the Senior Officials’ Meeting on Transnational Crime (SOMTC) on a Human Rights-based Approach to the Implementation of the ASEAN Convention and Action Plan against Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children (ACTIP & APA) in Jakarta (30/9)

    “This consultation was attended by all the senior officials of ASEAN law enforcement in SOMTC and the representatives of ASEAN regional cooperation mechanisms involved in combating trafficking in persons (TIP). The extraordinary energy and enthusiasm will motivate us in moving forward together in combating the crime with its ever-evolving modus operandi,” said Dr. Dinna Wisnu.

    Dinna stated that ASEAN has received appreciation and acknowledgement by the international community for placing efforts to combat TIP as the main priority of its cross-sectoral cooperation.  “ASEAN has received the appreciation and acknowledgement of the international community. We have achieved much progress even before the ratification of ACTIP by all countries. There is even an agreement that the enforcement of laws and immigration rules needs to provide justice for victims and deliver more comprehensive preventive measures,” she added.

    Police Brigadier General M. Naufal Yahya, representing the Indonesian SOMTC in his closing speech conveyed that the consultation meeting was very useful in exchanging information, ideas, experiences, and lessons in combating TIP. During the discussion session, the participants studied the plans and steps taken by countries that have ratified ACTIP to implement the Human Rights-based Approach to Combating TIP.

    “We took the best practices from ASEAN member states related to prevention of TIP and protection, assistance, rehabilitation and reintegration of victims and practices related to regional cooperation for advancing a human rights based approach in combating Trafficking In Persons,” he said.

    In the discussions that have taken place for two days, Dinna stated that there needs to be further steps to identify and delineate victims from perpetrators, as well as to identify a common regional response to fulfill the needs and rights of the victims at every stage of combating TIP. In addition, the need for further consultations on the views and needs of specific groups such as the disabled and fishing industry workers was emphasized. The participants appreciated the in-depth discussion on the varieties and modus operandi of TIP, forms of cross-sectoral cooperation that can be followed up and ways of meeting the needs of victims which ASEAN can cooperate on.

    As the outcome of the consultation, the participants recommended to provide tailored support for the specific needs of individual ASEAN member-states towards ratifying and strengthening ACTIP implementation.

    In the future, a number of delegates in the forum proposed that this AICHR consultation meeting can act as the institutionalized consultation among ASEAN bodies relatedto combating TIP. In addition, the SOMTC Action Plan will be studied so that there is no overlap. Furthermore, there are a number of ways to prevent TIP that need to be further explored by ASEAN sectoral bodies outside of law enforcement, including by expanding the roles of community members, parents, and survivors of TI.

    Source : www.aichr.org

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