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Home News UN Asks Myanmar to Refund Citizenship Rights of Muslims

UN Asks Myanmar to Refund Citizenship Rights of Muslims

(GENEVA) – Third Committee of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly, which is responsible for social, humanitarian affairs and human rights issues, asked Myanmar to refund citizenship rights of the Muslim minority.

The third Committee consensually approved a draft resolution concerning human rights violation in Myanmar. The Myanmar government was called to provide Rohingya Muslims in the Rakhine state with equal citizenship rights and prevent violent acts against the Muslim minority by Buddhists in the country.

The resolution also focused on concerns about arbitrary detentions, forcibly seizing lands, forcing migration, rape, torture and inhumane treatments.

The Committee welcomed commitment of Myanmar’s officials to release political detainees till the end of 2013 and statements saying improvements concerning human rights would be launched, according to the draft resolution.

Meanwhile, the Committee also approved a draft resolution on the human rights situation in Iran.

The General Assembly would call upon Iranian government to eliminate any form of torture, abolish the execution of minors and eliminate all forms of discrimination and other human rights violations against women and girls.

It would also urge the government to deepen its engagement with United Nations human rights mechanisms.

Draft resolution on Iran gained a recorded vote of 83 in favour to 36 against, with 62 abstentions, which will be later presented to UN General Assembly.

In addition, the Committee approved a draft resolution on the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

By that text, the General Assembly strongly urge the country’s government to end grave violations of human rights and to extend its full cooperation to the Special Rapporteur and the commission of inquiry appointed by the Human Rights Council.

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