Youtube and Philippine Politics

November 18, 2021
Other Event in Australia

The Sydney Southeast Asia Centre of the University of Sydney will organize a webinar titled “Youtube and Philippine Politics” which is scheduled on November 18, 2021, at 5:00pm (Philippine Standard Time) or 8:00 pm (Australia Eastern Time)

The hyper-connectivity of peoples in the digital space has put a new spotlight on the importance of constitutional rights such as free speech, and the ability of social media to foster community political engagement. For Filipinos, who rank first globally in internet and social media usage, the interplay of social media and democracy is no surprise, but it must be examined carefully.

With presidential elections coming up in 2022, and as the Philippines finds itself in the throes of an increasingly volatile and divisive political context, political candidates are sure to take to social media platforms to promote themselves and their political agendas.

To register for the webinar, you can proceed to