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Home CSO Events The Role of International Human Rights Community in the Review of the ToR of AICHR: Towards an Effective and Independent ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism

The Role of International Human Rights Community in the Review of the ToR of AICHR: Towards an Effective and Independent ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism

Five years since its establishment, the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) is yet to adequately act as a full-fledged regional human rights body. The Terms of Reference (ToR) of the AICHR provides a layout for the ASEAN human rights body. It also gives it a restricted protection mandate limiting the AICHR and further prevent the body from working independently.

Article 9.6 of the ToR allows it to be reviewed five years after its entry into force,  “with the view of further enhancing the promotion and protection of human rights in ASEAN.” The review process offers a unique opportunity to strengthen the AICHR and make it an in-dependent body that is grounded in universally recognised human rights laws and standards.

Solidarity and support from the international human rights community is necessary to en-sure a progressive review process of AICHR’s ToR.  The voice of the international human rights community should echo the call of civil society in ASEAN countries for a stronger and
independent AICHR.


Atnike Nova Sigiro (ASEAN Advocacy Programme Manager/FORUM-ASIA)
FORUM-ASIA advocacy on the Review of the AICHR TOR

Dr Yuval Ginbar (Amnesty International)
Key issues in the Review of the AICHR TOR

Andrea Galindo (RFK Center for Justice and Human Rights)
Evolution of other regional human rights body

Venue & Time
Monday, 16 June (12.00-14.00), Room XII, Palais Des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

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